
Order of operations for a successful Drupal deployment

The cliff notes version of what commands to run and when during a deployment, how that can change across environments, and a few tips to take your deployment game to the next level.

Project Browser Crowdsourced Feedback

We will be gathering feedback information at the camp from the community on Project Browser, through the use of a virtual whiteboard in Miro! During this session, we'll review the results of the feedback, which will be provided to the Project Browser project team.

A Crash Course in Docksal for Drupal

Exactly what it says on the tin. Learn to use Docksal for Drupal in 15 minutes or less!

Creating an easy to use Bookable Calendar.

Get up and running with the Bookable Calendar module. It can be used to give guitar lessons, manage conference rooms at your school, or maybe even replace Calendly.

New in Drupal 10: Views Responsive Grid

Mike will walk you through the in's and out's of Drupal 10's new responsive grid formatter, how to use it, and why it's awesome!

Let Git check your code

See Git pre-commit hooks in action. With a few simple tools, you can make sure all your code complies with Drupal coding standards.

Florida DrupalCamp 2025

Save the date! Florida DrupalCamp 2025 will be in person February 21-23 in Orlando College at the Florida Technical College. 3 days of training, sessions, contributions and social events.

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