The Big Shift: Prepare for new Drupal today

Session Category Site-Building Room 154 Audience Intermediate Time Slot Sun 11:00am to 11:45am (2/23/25)

For the past few years, an internal revolution has been brewing in Drupal. The more I see of how our initiatives are evolving the more I'm convince that the way we build Drupal sites are about to fundamentally change.  Let's me make the case for:

  • How new solutions emerging in Drupal invite you to rethink how to build sites
  • What you are your team can do to get the most out of these new tools
  • The benefits for clients if you do

In my day job, I provide long term support for Drupal sites built many different ways.  I support sites built with Acquia Site Studio, Layout Builder, Paragraphs and a couple of unique builds.  I'm seeing a convergence of ideas on how best to build these sites.  Let me share with you a strategy for getting your sites ready for the future.

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