Choose your battle: trade-offs when building a website

Session Category Sessions off the "Drupal Island" Audience All Attendees

You may have heard this before:

  • I need a website, could you help me?
  • How long will it take to build my website?
  • What tech stack would you recommend for my website?
  • What will a website cost me?

This session has different items one should consider when building a website.  Some that we will take into consideration are: 

  • The type of websites:
    • Marketing landing page.
    • Family and friends website.
    • Small business
    • Medium size business.
  • The requirements of their site: 
    • Number of editors
    • Number of pages
    • Average number of visitors. 
  • The different forms a website can take:
    • Static websites
    • CRUD apps vs Websites.
    • CMS websites: WordPress and Drupal.
  • Their budget, market, and long-term maintenance goals
    • 1k - portfolio project to play with new tech.
    • 3k-5k - Small websites, basic needs. Likely set it and forget it.
    • 10k - Includes one or more editors. Maybe a set it and forget it.
    • 50k - Includes multiple editors and likely includes ongoing maintenance and support.
    • 100k+ - Agency style websites. Multiple editors. 

This session aims to help answer those questions for them and help you as the developer find the fastest, simplest solution for each type of challenge.

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