Professional Drupal Module Development Tools

Session Category Development & Performance Audience All Attendees Time Slot Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm (2/23/24)

Looking to set up your local development environment with tools necessary to build top-notch Drupal custom modules? In this full-day workshop, Mike Anello, lead instructor of DrupalEasy's 90-hour Professional Module Development course, will help you set up PhpStorm and Visual Studio Code alongside your existing DDEV or Lando installation with all the plugins, extensions, and code quality tools to put you in a position to succeed. Tools covered will include Drupal Coder (phpcs, phpcbf), PhpStan, and Xdebug.


Either PhpStorm or Visual Studio Code installed. Either DDEV or Lando installed. Comfort on the command line including Drush and Composer.

About the Trainer

Michael Anello

Developer, trainer at DrupalEasy

Cocoa, Florida

Michael Anello (@ultimike) is a Drupal developer and trainer with DrupalEasy. He is the lead instructor for Drupal Career Online, a beginner-focused 12-week, 3x/week online Drupal training program and the 15-week, 2x/week Professional Module Development course. Mike is very active in the Drupal community as an organizer, code and documentation contributor, and often speaking at Drupal events around the world.

Florida DrupalCamp 2025

Save the date! Florida DrupalCamp 2025 will be in person February 21-23 in Orlando College at the Florida Technical College. 3 days of training, sessions, contributions and social events.

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